
May 1, 2024

Shoutout to Komeda's Coffee

There's no doubt that it's hard starting a job in a foreign country as an expat or a migrant–whichever term you prefer to use. There are plenty of things that make it stressful, from not knowing the language perfectly to not having existing qualifications recognized, or even facing discrimination and biases when it comes to finding employment.

I was encouraged to see a post circulating online of a sign that a Twitter user spotted at a Komeda's Coffee branch, which honestly pushed me close to tearing up. The sign from the manager mentioned that the store actively hires foreign staff, and noted how being a foreigner in a new country requires a great deal of effort and determination. The sign ends with a request that the staff are treated with warmth and kindness.

Shoutout to Komeda's Coffee photo

I feel like sometimes Japan gets a reputation of being quite insular and not very open to change or immigration, but these instances of acceptance, encouragement, and genuine care are so heartwarming to see.

Have you noticed more international workers in your local area? Have you ever encountered signs like the one above?